R080528_數位相關器零件需求 初步列表
數位相關器所需的組態中. 有分兩部份, 一部份為全體所共同使用的, 一部份為每個 BAND 各需的
一, 全體所共同使用的
1. YIG OSC + Amp + controller -> 提供所有的 band 8.7GHz clock source
2. 10G class 1->4 power divider -> 分出 YIG clock 給各個 band
3. Walsh 及 sampler clock generator -> 產生 Walsh function 及取樣 trigger
4. Walsh/sampler 分配板 -> 分出 Walsh 信號給各 band 及 mount
5. Xilnx USB FPGA programmer
6. FPGA programmer 分配板 -> FPGA Program signal + control signal
7. 主控 PC -> 控制以上所有的信號操作
二, 各個 band 所各自有的 (所以若要做幾個 band, 就要乘幾)
1. FPGA 板 x 15 (6 個 FT 板, 8 個 CORR 板, 1 個 Clock 板)
2. B3_AUX 板 x 15 -> 各個板子的 program, PC 通訊及 clock
3. USB line x 15
4. USB 1-> 4 HUB x 5 (FPGA 與 PC 通訊用) 及其 power supply
5. FPGA programmer receiver for distribution
6. FPGA program CAT6 (1 -2m ) cable x 15
7. Demux Sampler 板 (with clock injection circuit) x 6 convter
8. Demux -> FT Cable = CAT6 1m cable x 4 x 6 = 24
9. Demux for clock 板 (with clock divider ) x 1
10. demux 用 12V -> 3.3V DC-> DC conveter x 2
11. Demux Clock Injection Controller + CAT6 2m cable x 6
12. YIG clock receive cable ( 10G class 0.6 -> 1.2m )
13. YIG clock power divider ( 10G class 1 對 2 x 6)
14. YIG clock 2nd stage cable ( 10cm class x 2)
15. YIG clock 3rd final approach to demux cable ( 6cm class x 6)
16. YIG clock to demux clock generator (12 -15cm class x 1)
17. 300M clock CAT6 1m -> demux clock -> CLOCK FPGA board
18. CLOCK FPGA -> demux SMA cable ( 1G class 1.2M x 1)
19. 300M Ref clock switch (x1 (-50dB) or x2 (-100dB?))
20. 300M Ref clock power divider ( 1G class, 1->6)
21. 300M Ref clock final to demux board ( 15cm SMA soft cable x 6)
22. 4.5G bandwidth filter x 6
23. 10G +30dB amp module x 6
24. Oepic fiber receiver x 6
25. Receiver/Amp support x 1
26. Walsh/sampler Receiver board + cable (CAT6 2m x 2)
27. Walsh/sampler to FPGA cable (CAT6 1m x18)
28. Walsh/Sampler/Ref300/Amp Power/Injection Misc. Controller board
29. FT -> CORR cross bar cable (CAT6 1m 16 x 8 = 128 for 5G sample)
30. 12V 350W power supply
31. PC for DAQ and local Misc Controller
32. Rack Container